The radioberry is actual a radio card (raspberry pi hat), which can be plugged into a raspberry pi, forming a Software Defined Radio (SDR).
The radio card uses an Analog Devices AD9866 which is a 12-bit broadband modem mixed signal front end that has been repurposed as a direct down conversion (DDC) and direct up conversion (DUC) SDR transceiver covering 0-30 MHz
The radio card uses an Intell Cyclone 10LP FPGA, supporting the 10CL16 and 10CL25. The firmware will be loaded via the raspberry pi.
Power supply for the radio card is provided by the raspberry pi.
The radio is fully built by using open source software and open hardware.
Radioberry 2.x
Hereby an overview of links for more information:
Discussion about the Radioberry using Google Groups
WIKI giving additonal information
Radioberry Releases making an easy install
Radioberry transceiver by Gopan VU2XTO
Radioberry in action:
Recording by Jacinto CU2ED ; user of radioberry 2!
Iam providing all the detailed information for builders. Iam not selling the radioberry iam only sharing information and willing to help builders to make their own SDR radio.
Have fun
73 Johan